looked at my “to read” shelf and decided to crank through some books. Trying not to look at too many computers today. Been getting over loaded. Reading books with pages that don’t plug in.
(But I probably will be putting my Kindle on charge.)
Can be reached at the normal communication lines if you must.
Didn’t check my phone for a few hours only to look at my notifications and see that there was a tornado warning in my area. My area being Massachusetts and has never had a tornado in the 10+ years I’ve lived here.
This has done nothing good for my phone addiction.
That’s how my day’s been going. Finished a few books last evening so that might be the direction this evening takes as well.
I’ve alluded to this in past post, but I think a new phase is starting and it is something darkly academic.
Boston is still there in case anyone was wondering, but didn’t want to check themselves. I checked. I’m nice like that.
With errands officially run, there’s not much else for me to do today. I have to contact a few people and then I’m gong to tweak a few things on here.
Read the first Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells while on the train. I liked it more than I thought I would as it avoided almost every easy joke it could have made with it’s premise. The world building was tight and the characters were fully drawn and had that “I know people like this” quality that didn’t draw attention to itself. That’s not an easy thing to do. Especially with a main character that still needs to feel “non-human.”
There was one thing in the ending that I didn’t like, but the story telling itself might pull me into the next one. We’ll see how a feel in a few hours, but the smart money is on me reading them all.