Reading Day

Been catching up on some reading lately. Well that’s not entirely true, I’ve been reorganizing my “to be read” shelf, which has grown into it’s own book case and I’ve recharged the Kindle. Probably going to spend the rest of the day with my head in a few books.

Will most likely have a round up post on here when I resurface.

Jet Lag

Daylight Savings Time happened yesterday, although I’ve never counted that Sunday as the first day. Monday is always the first day of Daylight Savings Time to me. The thing isn’t real until you have to get up at the wrong time with shit to do. What’s this time shift look like when you have an agenda?

I have absolutely no idea why we as a global society willingly give ourselves jet lag two times a year. Yeah, yeah, I know. “Something, something. Farmers.” But I’ve reached a point in my life where the only people I let say that to me are people who actually know farmers.

Do you know farmers? Have you farmed? Can you grow anything?

See. Jet lag. Makes people grumpy.

Backing up configs

Been doing a lot of development work lately. Because of that, it would really suck to have to reconfigure all of my tools if I had a system failure.

I’m currently working on a backup system for my dotfiles. This is something I’ve been looking into for a while and didn’t know that it had an actually name until recently. It’s kind of an interesting movement in development.

I’ll probably link to my back up repo on here with an explanation of how I set everything up once I have something workable.

Game Day

Still have a lot of prep left to do, but we have D&D today. I’ve been calling these days “Game Day” for a while, and it’s funny how often people ask me what kind of sports I’m watching.

Sports and I waved good bye to each other years ago, and I haven’t looked back since. I mean, I will still watch Hockey every now and then. But that’s not sports, that’s religion.

Anyway, will be prepping and playing all day. Tomorrow is back to coding.

Time Tracker

Sometimes you just have to make an internal calendar for your D&D campaign. Been working on notes for the better part of the afternoon. Will probably need to put in another few hours in today and a few hours tomorrow before the game. Then it’s back to coding.

Train Writing

On the train, headed into the city so we’ll see if this actually posts. Haven’t used SiteLeaf on my phone before.

After I take care of a few things in the city, I’ll be headed back to Witch City to do some work on some writing projects and my D&D campaign.


Just set up feed syndication from this site to my twitter account and my new Author page on Facebook. (Aren’t I just the fanciest.)

The goal is to have a post from here syndicated everywhere automatically, so that this site become the main repository for my digital life and as-they-happen thoughts.

Still hacking in features to the site, but will be adding new post types soon once the actual development reaches a stoping point. (Or at least as much as a stopping point as I’m likely to get.)

Clever Title

The last two days have been fairly pleasant and I’ve actually popped out of my hole while the Day Star was still high in the air.

However, it’s getting to the point where every time the weather gets nice all I can think about is “the world is dying.” So yeah, I’m cheery today.

Have some planing for my D&D session coming up and might pick at some more problems I have with this site. Also, might get all my Internet locations around if I can be asked.

Up By Dawn

Woke up earlier than is recommended for a human. I’m in that weird half stage where my body can’t decide if it wants to take a nap or run a marathon. Not sure how the day is going to go.

Going to take an inventory of all the notebooks I have in the house and get them into some kind of system today.

Also, I’m going to have to manually drop the link to this post into Facebook because they have defeated any automation for their profiles because that totally was the issue everyone has with Facebook.

Evening Update

Decided to break the update into multiple posts because the last one ended well.

Finished up some important things that I needed to take care of today. Then went for a walk with the wife, so she could pick up some library books.

Now time to hide back in my hole and work on this site some more. I’ve connected a CMS to it so now I have proper writing environment, so there should be no more typos. (We’ll see…)

This week is going to taken up with finishing this site, working on some content for D&D, and killing the monster that my email has turned into.
