Star Trek binge

Wil Wheaton said on his Facebook page recently that he’s been getting a lot of people tweeting at him to let him know that they are spending their time in self isolation watching or re-watching Star Trek.

That’s kind of inspired me so I’ve been re-watching Star Trek Voyager. So far, it’s not as uneven as I remember. But I’ve only re-watched a handful of episodes so far. However, every time I see an interesting story line start to get teased out, my wife says, “Yeah, they don’t go anywhere with that.”

But each episode I watch is pretty good in and of itself. Maybe it’s just the universe’s way of telling me to live in the moment more.

Good advice for right now.

Wait for the wheel

Today has been a bit of a wash. I was looking at the news and that’s taken a bit out of me. But tomorrow will be better. I’m going to get back to a web development course tomorrow, so maybe we can both look forward to a slightly better design for the site.

A fresh redesign might be what we all need right now.

Glass computer

One thing about posting the output of neofetch on your blog is that you make it known to the entire world that you haven’t turned off your computer in over 60 days.

So I restarted the computer, and since I was doing that anyway, I decided it was a good idea to update it as well. It then started showing signs of giving up the ghost.

This means the urgency of getting all my configs backed up just raised a little bit. Not that I think my computer is going to randomly die, I just don’t know how many more updates it has in it.


Email is still a mess – never did get around to cleaning it up the other week. Haven’t been out of the house in a few days, so that’s on the docket for tomorrow as well.

We’ll play it by ear.

Backing things up

It’s colder in the house than I’d like, but not so cold that I’m actually going to do anything about it. My news feeds were also bothering me so I did do something about them.

Now my propensity for doing things is shot.

Today was a lot of dealing with my tooling. I managed to get some back programs to actually work and I went through the arduous process of getting all the applications on my laptop ran though my package manager. This way I can get my secondary computers as well as future computers all on the same page.

Yes, Macs are hearty things. My MacBook Air is almost six years old, and while it is running fine for now, I did kill it stone dead last year and had to nurse it back to health.

Making backups for my backups is making me happy right now so I’m going to keep chasing it.

Quite and Still

Just got groceries and watched some TV with the wife. There’s not a lot of chatter outside the house. Social Media is a different story. People are posting memes but don’t appear to be saying much of anything.

So I’ve stopped looking at Reddit and Facebook.

I’m looking forward to another lazy Sunday. Hope everything is quite for you.

Code and Comics

Finally managed to beat my new Jekyll layout into shape. There’s a lot more I have to do to it before I can start using it for the site, but at least it actually works as a layout now.

Started reading Punk Rock Jesus last night and could not put it down until I was finished. Some of the most fun I’ve had with comics in a while. The writing was every tight and would let you look away, and the art was like the best sketches done while you should have been paying attention in class.

But I do have one nitpick: in a comic called Punk Rock Jesus – where you are reference actual punk bands and have a main character who is actively trying to take down religion – why don’t you mention Bad Religion or show the cross buster logo even once?

Again, this is a nitpick, but it’s one that a punk would totally make.

The beatings will continue until moral improves

Building a Jekyll theme from scratch is kicking my ass, so I’m going to try to brake the back of that today. It will fight me, I shall win.

Pulled a comic off my to read shelf to dig into this evening: Punk Rock Jesus. Because of course I’m going to read that. It’s more of a shock I haven’t already.

Low energy

Today has been a low energy kind of day. I’ve been picking at a new layout project for Jekyll blogs. Trying to teach myself how they are put together. Will most likely return to it later today.