Goodbye For Now, Night City

Just beat Cyberpunk 2077. Been playing it off and on for the better part of this year. I’ve sort of been savoring it like a fine wine. As anyone who knows me will attest, I’m pretty big fan of the cyberpunk genera.

So now I have a that hangover that you only get after good novel or long TV show binge. At some point, I’m going to have to finish prepping for the last session of my D&D campaign, but I’ve sort of had enough of endings right now. Going to chill for a little bit and refresh.


So the words don’t always come easy. I’ve been looking at this blogging interface for longer than I want to admit. The day’s been pretty uneventful, but I’m not ready to break my posting streak quite yet. Probably going to play some video games and head off to bed.

Tuesday Thoughts

high-rise buildings

Boston is still there in case anyone was wondering, but didn’t want to check themselves. I checked. I’m nice like that.

With errands officially run, there’s not much else for me to do today. I have to contact a few people and then I’m gong to tweak a few things on here.

Read the first Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells while on the train. I liked it more than I thought I would as it avoided almost every easy joke it could have made with it’s premise. The world building was tight and the characters were fully drawn and had that “I know people like this” quality that didn’t draw attention to itself. That’s not an easy thing to do. Especially with a main character that still needs to feel “non-human.”

There was one thing in the ending that I didn’t like, but the story telling itself might pull me into the next one. We’ll see how a feel in a few hours, but the smart money is on me reading them all.

Grandpa Millennial Yells At Noise

There’s an old social convention comparing website work to construction. I can remember when people were in the process of updating their sites, they’d put up jaunty gifs of construction workers always with the phrase, “pardon our dust.”

I bring this up because I’m still tried from staying up late working on my website and now there’s actual construction work happening outside my window.

The irony is not lost on me.

I think the only logical thing to do would be to go for a walk. They can’t be doing this shit everywhere in town. Not that I can get everywhere in town. Moving slow today.

The Refresh Is Complete

Okay, that’s a lie, but it’s better than saying “The user facing part of the refresh should be kind of done maybe.”

As stated earlier, I’ve moved this to WordPress from a Jekyll install on GitHub pages. Again, I’d love to do a run down of why I moved to WordPress from a JAMStack style site, but I still have a lot of backend stuff to do, so again, I’m going to put a pin in that.

Anyway, I wanted to whip off a quick “hey it works!” post. Now back to it for me.

Don’t Call It A Refresh

One the themes of this blog has been the site refresh as the current Jekyll theme isn’t everything I want. I’ve been picking at this project off and on for months, and have reengaged in earnest a few days ago.

However, I’ve decided to rebuild the entire site as a self-hosted WordPress Blog for arcane reasons that I’ll go into in a later post.

Assuming, of course, I don’t brick the entire data repository and have to start over. (Which I can tell you won’t happen quickly as I stare at a wall for months trying to figure out where shit went wrong.)

So today I’m going for a walk to clear the head then it’s into the heavy lifting of importing all of this content into the test instance I have running on a Raspberry Pi.

This might be a heavy post day.

No Maps For These Territories

Just finished a major video game jag. Been playing Cyberpunk 2077 for the last few weeks. I want to finish it before any new content comes out for it, but I’ve set this weird rule for myself that I have to have all of the side quests and missions done before I can finish out the main story line.

Luckily the publishers, CDPR, are taking their time to put out new stuff for it.

I’ve been playing the game on and off since I picked it up last December. (I played day one on a base model Xbox One, and it was a buggy mess. I am very brave.)

It’s been quite enjoyable, so I’ve been savoring it like a fine wine because we aren’t likely to get 80’s style cyberpunk on this scale ever again. As it turns out, reality caught up with our anxieties over the worst impulses of the Regan’s America. But the maps never included boring and banal the dystopia would be.

One of the most striking things about the game is there are no suburbs, which we now know was the birthplace of most of the problems cyberpunk was trying to warn us about.

Still, there’s something cathartic about running around a future that’ll never be, which is commenting on a present that is all too real.


It’s August. When the hell did that happen? While a lot of people have that “losing time” feeling, I’ve found that I get it the most when I haven’t written in a while.

It’s been about a month since I’ve written in my journal, done any notes, or written any fiction. Therefore I’m picking blogging back up after a few months to get time out in front of be as opposed to behind me, as it were.

I’ve also scheduled the last session of my long running D&D campaign. That feels pretty strange, but I’ll unpack all that after I run it. (Might be on here, might not. What’s important is a throwing a writing prompt for myself in the future.)

Anyway, That’s what’s going on in this moment today.

Back to coding

Looks like the website is caching it’s records in the social repositories that it should. Albeit a little slower than I’d like.

Took the day off coding yesterday because of the whole, Democracy was saved thing. It’s great to finally have the Trump Administration in the rear view.

But it’s a new day and back to coding for me. The new site stands up and has the very basic functionality to be called a blog and it looks like hell, but I put it together with my own hands. Now just comes the work of getting to feature parity with the current site and making it look… I’m not going to say pretty… just better than it currently does.